Maa Vaishnavi Degree College is situated in village Tharvai of Tehsil Soraon of district Allahabad in state of Uttar Pradesh. Tharvai is one of the biggest revenue village of Tehsil Soraon.
The literacy percentage in surrounding area comes to be very low. With the motive to extend higher education to the rural people as well as in backward area Maa Vaishnavi Degree College has been established. (UP). This is a remote area which lacked the basic facilities of education, Society took the initiative to provide the necessary infrastructure in providing such education that would enable the girls and boys of the vicinity to venture out on the road ahead with quality education under their belts. Education is not just teaching alone but has broader meaning which covers a range of experiences, from formal learning to the building of understanding and knowledge through day to day experiences. Maa Vaishnavi Degree College has been established with such an aim for providing education in the field of Education.
Best Faculty in the region. Advanced & Hi-tech Infrastructure. Special focus on personality development and communication skills.
A new sprawling campus with audiovisual aids for learning and facilities like Wi-fi Campus well stacked library and more.
To promote a learning environment that welcomes and honors men & women from diverse cultures for involving themselves.
The Explicit vision of the promoting body is to impart high quality education Readmore
Qualified full time facu>lty and eminent personalities as visiting faculty.
Regular placement assistance and campus recruitment drives.